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a little bit of erotic penis envy (sizecomparison) porn pics
Soft and hard next to a full size bic... hoping some guys can put it to shame lol

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Does my Indian cock measure up for the challenge [6.3" x 4.9"]
![Does my Indian cock measure up for the challenge [6.3" x 4.9"]](//pixx.pro/thumbnail/dQQeK)
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/u/bliblublablopp's ridiculously massive softie and credit card vs mine and credit card.

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#FBF when I was 18-19 (it was a bit smaller too) and I used to do comparisons to lotion bottles

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Very fitting DVD titles for this BWC and my black dick

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I'm on the right, u/TheTurtleBum is on the left. I think he might have the edge.

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suggestions for another comparison? 18&horny

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